Registration Number:(2021/541104/08) 088-292 NPO | PBO: 930078738
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How to Help
If you want to help someone get to safety here are some helpful suggestions:
Open a conversation about why you’re worried about them, then explain why:
I am really concerned about you because you seem so distracted and anxious lately.
I am worried that you don’t keep in touch. Please know I am always here if you need to chat.
I am worried about you because you seem really unhappy lately.
Don’t be surprised if they seem defensive or reject your support.
There are many barriers to admitting or seeking assistance
Don’t push the person into talking if they are uncomfortable, just be consistent, patient and unjudgmental.
Ask for support if you need it – this can be hard on you too.
Listen to what they have to say.
Believe what that tell you.
Take the abuse seriously.
Help them recognise the abuse and it’s effects on everyone involved.
Tell them how brave they are for opening up and that they have choices.
Build confidence and value.
Address their blame, shame and guilt and remind them what they are responsible for and what they are not.
Help them save themselves!
Offer practical assistance like transport, referral to organisations/services that can help
Respect their right to make their own decisions, EMPOWER not ENSLAVE
Keep regular contact – even when it is hard to do that.
Keep supporting after they leave and encourage healing.
After they leave is the most dangerous and difficult time, don't minimize the danger!.