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January 2023 Update

It's long! Breathe! You can do this!

So, we blinked and we were in February! It has, indeed, been a very busy start to the year!

Crisis Management

We have had the usual influx of requests for assistance and have had a large intaje of survivors requiring emotional support, guidance and simply having someone who cares to help them negotiate their crisis.

With the economic climate, we know there is a lot of need for food, jobs, clothing etc. We will be posting those on OptiMyseSA through our Phoenix Rising Campaign, and help where we can but we are not in the business of handouts - rather hand-ups.

If you see a post and can assist we will give details of who to help directly to you and will be very grateful but we caution all survivors that this is NOT our line and we cannot possibly add it to our list of services.

Court Support

We have already assisted with online court support (some in person) on a number of cases. Some of these are ongoing and some are new. Are hearts reach out to these survivors negotiating a traumatizing system.

For court support please fill in this form.

Long Term Healing

Wow! We have had some huge, priceless feedback from warriors who have seen huge change in their lives and we are nothing less than humbled and inspired.

Some of these warriors have sent us testimonials and we will continue to share those with you. We do not pressure warriors to share their healing stories, but when they do they simply blow us away!

To access our healing groups please fill in our intake form


We are really stoked to have negotiated new networking agreements and to have solidified older ones. There is no way an organization can cope with the need alone, walking together is key.


January is rough on everyone, but we have some awesome donors who have pulled us through and we are extremely grateful to Trailer Rescue 24 and Blue Viking Carpentry and all the individuals who drop whatever they can afford, thank you for stepping up to the plate again!

In the long run we are aiming for sustainability, so please watch out for Healing OptiMysts Membership opportunities, workshops, courses and training all coming up this year.

"My Journey, My Way" book profits help fund the organization, so if you haven't bought a copy you can buy one off Amazon or inbox us for local sales.


We have to thank our contingent of volunteers who willingly give of their time and energy to assist with everything from making calls or holding space for other to packing boxes. We appreciate you!


Last, but never least we want to send a special shout out to the OptiMyst Crew. Dedicated, committed and always OptiMystic we are honoured to ride alongside you!

We managed to squeeze in the Africa Ubuntu Breakfast Run, appreciate some down time amongst the biking community. It was really great to ride out with old friends and new.

All in all, January has been OptiMysed and we are already hard at work OptiMysing February.

Celeste Louw

(Vice President)


We sent a call out for testimonials and these are some we received this month. We don't tell other people's stories but are glad to share the victory stores of those who choose to speak about their lives and contact with us. Truly, these stories have humbled and inspired us to work so much harder!

Reading over the testimonials coming in, it is true you will see there is often mention of Celeste. Celeste is on the front line with most of our survivors and many of them never see the whole team that keeps Optimystic running.

All our members play a pivotal role in keeping our wheels turning and services running. Most of them are camera shy and not as outspoken as our Vice President, but their contributions are essential to our services and I just want to send a shout out to #TeamOptimyst.

You are appreciated and valued, and the fact that you work silently in the background does not go unnoticed.It takes a team!

Neil Louw


"I have known Celeste since 2018. I was introduced by another member on the support group I was on.
This was the year when what I wasn't dealing with, effectively, bubbled to the surface.
Mind you I also was speaking to my therapist but needed to double up on support as the lack of money, a drought which scared customers away from Cape Town, and serious broken-ness was hampering me.
This other support group helped with a donation for me to open a savings account so that got sorted. But the feeling shit about myself and struggling to find more stable work wasn't helping my emotional state, either. Celeste spent hours with me, on the phone, me in tears almost every day. A safe roof over my head also helped but the inner stuff needed to come out. (And believe it that that year I met some dodge recruitment agency with an agent who threw me under the bus with the person who interviewed me. I was honest with them on why I resigned the sales rep day job as it was constructive dismissal and the interviewer nailed me on that. It triggered me and took me back to the traumatic memory of the line manager who drove me out of the company, then others followed. So there was still chaos happening.)Anyhow tonight we are having a goal-setting discussion with Celeste, it'll be fun and it just shows you that survivor support groups which are managed well aren't just about drama and trauma.
Celeste OptiMysing is worth having in your life. Try it. "

Thandi Hönnemann

"I was in an abusive relationship for a very long decade. There was abuse on every level. I found Celeste (the founder), through social media many, many years ago. I discussed my situation with her many times and she has always given me invaluable advice. She is thorough, knowledgeable, active, compassionate, yet firm in her advice, and somehow always makes herself available to those who need her assistance. Her life is dedicated to those in need from abuse
.On the day I ran away from my ex partner nearly 5 years ago. Celeste arranged for one of her group's members to go to our business, where my ex was, and to keep him "occupied" in order for me to take my things out my house and leave without him knowing. I have been in hiding since then. My ex's psychiatric evaluation after I left was that of a Narcissistic Sociopath. He had threatened me countless times with murder and the last time he beat me the cops arrived at the house due to the security calling them after I pressed the panic button. I never laid charges against him because that would have made him hurt me, and my family, who he threatened.
He also "knew" people who would be used if necessary "to put me in my place".
He also at the time had a suspended sentence of 16 years for attempted manslaughter. As one knows the time after you leave an abusive relationship is the most crucial. Thankfully for me lockdown occurred and by then I had moved to another province and was in a psychiatric clinic due to the extent of abuse I went through.
Throughout this time Celeste's discussions on the matters of abuse have been posted on social media platforms educating us all with professional advice with guests and through her own experiences with the judicial system and so forth.
She supports those at court when needed and provides references for additional help if needed i.e. lawyers, psychosocial aid, workers etc.
She is an invaluable asset to people like myself who have gone through abuse, mine was physical, emotional, mental, sexual, verbal and financial on every level. I was a wreck. I was diagnosed with CPTSD and cognitive dysfunction. I still suffer daily with triggers, flashbacks, depression, constant fear he will find me you name it. And Celeste has addressed coping mechanisms and healing modalities through all of this. I owe my life to her and the amazing group of people she works with.
She most recently has been advising my daughters partner, who was verbally and financially abused by his ex, as well as my daughter who has been mentally discriminated against by the same ex.
We are extremely blessed to have groups and people who aid with domestic gender violence. There is not enough assistance in South Africa I fear. It is a huge, very diverse situation. "


"My husband and I went through quite a rough childhood which resulted in depression and anger issues. Whilst my husband is better at "fixing" himself, I needed help. A mutual friend introduced me to Optimystic Bikers against Abuse and Celeste in 2021.
After attending her weekly free zoom sessions on OptiMysing Together, my husband and I decided to walk a healing journey with Celeste. With Celeste's help, I am now sleeping more than 3 hours a night, I don't have as many bouts of depression (they are still there but not as bad and not for as long as they used to be), I am able to respond when people piss me off instead of flaring up and lashing out. My husband is more open and we talk about things now.
Celeste has a heart made of platinum (because it is worth more than gold) and she will go out of her way to help people. She is unashamed to tell her story and her healing journey to others so that she can try and help them pluck up the courage to start walking their own healing journey. I have been using her healing techniques in all aspects of my life. Don't get me wrong, I still get angry and I still get depressed, but within the year of working on myself with Celeste by my side and helping me on my way I am much better. I smile more and people at my work and friends have told me how much happier I seem lately.
Need an ear? Celeste! Need a shoulder? Celeste! Need someone to bounce things off? Celeste! Need someone to put you back together? YOU with Celeste! I will always be grateful that I was introduced to this team (most of whom remain behind the scenes but are just as awesome) and to Celeste.
She is my healing coach, my life coach, my motivator, my Warrior Queen and I am proud to say that over the past few months my friend. "

Charlain Corbett

"The help that is optimised. When I first started my healing journey it seemed like it was an impossible journey that I would never be able to make. Then I met Celeste and what seemed like the impossible became possible. Nobody ever tells you just how hard it can be but Celeste is truly amazing she walks with you on your journey to healing.
From someone who responded with hurt in every situation I am now able to process my emotions. I have also been able to not react without thinking first. My trauma was a 42 year long cycle and it was anything but easy, lucky for me I have Celeste even now when I am having a bad moment I am able to turn to her. Healing is something that you do on a daily basis it's not something that you do today and are done with it tomorrow.
She taught me I am priceless and nobody can take away my value ever"

Lee Rootman


If you would like to donate to our overheads, to support a survivor or subsidize a course, please feel free to contact us.

Optimystic Bikers against Abuse NPC

FNB Account Number: 62897296838

Branch Code: 250 655

International Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ





If you can please support this call to privately prosecute a cybercrime case and create a precedent around how cybercrime is prosecuted in South Africa

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