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My2Cents on Healing

It is easy to just agree with what everyone is saying and doing. It is much harder to blaze your own trail, to say the things that people may not agree with, or the things that people don't want to hear.

I think, today, that the age old tradition of healers doing sacred work has been forgotten.

The fact that they weild science, ancient remedies, psychology, medicine or faith is besides the point for this discussion.

Healing is sacred work because it affects not only those seeking healing and the healer, but it has a ripple effect through connections, socialization, community.

It is sacred work because it affects the threads that connect us all now, and through the ages - back through the past but into the future.

Societies and communities across the world are broken, we are broken because we ignore the universal truths of unconditional love, community, connection and, yes, healing.

We place our attention on things that have no lasting value, focusing our attention on the material rather than the things that truly, deeply matter and make us human.

We focus on the wrong, and the pain, the fear and the hatred and make it grow and spread.

We have forgotten how to balance body, mind and soul.

We have forgotten how to see each other - or maybe we never knew how.

If we want to see change in the world we need to question our values, and where we place our attention.

We need to connect and heal from the damages of the past and the pain of today so that we can build a world truly worth living in.

❤️ u, bye.


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